Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hi, This is me!

Hello peoples of the world!! I am Dragon-Ambassador and, as you can tell, I am obsessed with dragons. I am an artiste, love traveling and I'm not someone you would want to insult unless you like pain. I'm a rough 'n tumble kind of person and I love to read. (They go together, no?) When I'm faced with a challenge my favorite reply is "Try me!" and I make friends easily. I'm a creative writer and use my brain to concoct good passages that are interesting for my audience. (Makes you want to read my stuff more, huh?) Speaking of audiences, I love to act. Drama is one of my top favorite hobbies next to singing and dancing.

The stage is my platform of fun and joy, so if you see me up there sometimes, don't be surprised. Life has offered me many great pleasures and I use them all the time. Since I am feeling generous today I will treat your mind to a quote from the famous me. "Who I am goes to who I once was. Life throws us good things and life throws us bad things, but we ourselves have the power to remember and praise the memories we want. In that knowledge, don't expect a bleak future when you can create a better world for not only you but for others. Live out your life freely and blissfully and use it wisely, you only get one shot at it."