Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Matt Hardings’ essay, “Connecting to a Global Tribe”, is very self-explanatory. When Matt says, “My brain was designed to inhabit a fairly small social network of maybe a few dozen other primates”, I find that true for everybody. We all know people in our own communities, ‘tribes’ as Matt calls them, as the people we have grown up to know. We know a small group of people and for most people, they only know that small group. Matt Harding traveled all over the world to see all different communities of people and thus broadened his community of people. Traveling all over the world to see different sites, hear different sounds and meeting new people. By seeing and experiencing new things, anyones’ view of the world and of people can become broader and I think that Matt Harding has put the proof to the theory with his amazing video.

1 comment:

woodward said...

It is enjoyable to see your postings. You have some outstanding pictures in previous posts to help the visual appeal of your post. I'd love to see a good visual example on each post.

Great blog listings also have jumping off points to further exploration. I'd love to see more links like that.

Keep up the great work. Mr. Woodward