Thursday, September 24, 2009

Strength: Pulling Myself Through Life

Strength comes in different forms; Physical and Emotional. In my opinion, the emotional strength carries the heavier burden. Over the course of my life, I have gone through hard times and truths that would thrust me down, and make me feel depressed. "Life is pain, highness. Whoever says differently is selling something." ~The Princess Bride I can try to forget the things I hear but no matter what I do, I will always know them. "Once you know something, you can never un-know it." ~unknown. The driving force that keeps me positive and picks me back up? It is the knowledge that the bad experiences that truly define the good in life. When people leave me out of groups, it only builds the joy for when I am accepted. When the good times come along, I realize that there is more in life than hate and bad feelings. In my grade seven year, strength hit me with a big sucker punch to the face. On my facebook account, another girl called my terrible names and told me I was no good but I knew better. I told myself that I should pay these comments no mind, so I did, and in the end I realized that she only called me those things because others were hurting her. I picked myself back up and brushed myself off ready to help her back on her feet. I knew that I had found the good in the bad. In that knowledge, I can rise back up from the ground and resume my position. The emotional strength that I have, has been building up for many years. It helps haul me back up when I am struck down and keeps me going through the storm I call life. My destiny is to serve my country and I will need not only family and peer support, but moral strength.

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